Monday, 13 April 2009

Teenage Fiction Competition

I know that a number of SToW members are interested in writing for children and teenagers. If you need inspiration, maybe entering a competition will spur you on. I cannot vouchsafe for any of the competitons that have been listed on this blog. Anyway, here are the details:

1st Prize: £100; 2nd Prize: £75; 3rd Prize: £25; 4th Prize: Critique of story of choice to the value of £20; Closing Date: 6th June 2009; Entry Fee: £3.00

"Have you ever fancied writing a story that can reach out and enthrall teenagers everywhere?
Writing for the teenage market is a fun and exciting project. Like us, teenagers have a wide taste in fiction: from romance to mysteries to everyday stories that may contain a message. The theme for this competition is open to interpretation but must be created specifically for teenagers. Think in terms of language, lifestyles, issues and dilemmas encountered by today’s teens. Maximum word count is 2000 and stories must be original and unpublished."

Visit the Creative Competitor website for details.

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