Sunday, 8 March 2009

Minutes from yesterday's meeting

The minutes of yesterday's meeting (7 March) are now available from the committee. Email if you require a copy. Briefly, the meeting agreed on a membership fee of £20 pa with a discount for the unwaged; a minimum age limit of 18 years; to investigate the costs of various projects; and voted in additional committee members. Details of the committee to follow.

We then did what we were there for: several group members read out items for comments -- a mix of short stories and poems.

Future meetings are scheduled for: 4 April, 9 May, 13 June and 4 July. These are all Saturdays. The meetings start at 10.00 a.m. at the Bentilee Community Centre.

1 comment:

  1. At last - I've visited the blog! This is quite a feat for me as I'm very anti-techie!
