Monday, 9 March 2009

SToW Constitution


The constitution was adopted on the day of 7 March 2009


The name of the Association shall be Stoke-on-Writing ('The Association')


Stoke-on-Trent and surrounding areas


The objects of the Association shall be to:

1) To develop and encourage the creative arts
2) To provide educational and artistic opportunities within the area of benefit


In furtherance of the objects but not otherwise the Executive Committee may exercise the following powers:
a) Power to raise funds and invite and receive contributions
b) Power to organise activities, events, lectures, discussions and to produce leaflets and other publicity material.
c) Power to consult the public by arranging meetings and surveys.
d) Power to co-operate with other charities, voluntary bodies and statutory authorities operating in furtherance of the objects and to exchange information and advice with them.
e) Power to purchase , take on lease or hire property in furtherance of the objects.
f) Power to pay reasonable out of pocket expenses to committee members and volunteers for costs incurred in carrying out the Associations business
g) Power to remunerate any member of the General Committee for professional services rendered to the Association
h) Power to insure and arrange any insurance cover necessary against all such risks incurred by the Association and volunteers in the course of their duties
i) Power to do all such other lawful things as are necessary for the achievement of the objects.
j) Power to employ staff who will not be members of the management committee


a) Full membership of the Association shall be open to all persons aged 18 years or over interested in furthering the objects.
b) The Executive Committee may for good and sufficient reason terminate the membership of any individual, provided that the individual concerned shall have the right to be heard by the Executive Committee, accompanied by a friend, before a final decision has been made.


All members shall pay such subscription, as the Annual General Meeting shall from time to determine.


a) The Association shall be managed by an Executive Committee to be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.
b) The Executive Committee shall consist of a Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer ('the Officers') and not more than 4 other members.
c) If vacancies occur among the Officers, the Committee shall have the power to fill them from among its members.
d) The Committee may co-opt up to 4 full members of the Association to serve on the Committee until the next Annual General Meeting.
e) All members of the Executive Committee shall retire from office at the annual general meeting following the date on which they came into office but they may be re-elected or re-appointed.


a) The Executive Committee shall hold at least 4 ordinary meetings each year.
b) There shall be a quorum when at least one third of the members of the Committee or three members of the Committee, whichever is the greater, are present at a meeting.
c) Every matter shall be determined by a majority of the members of the Executive Committee present and voting. In case of equality of votes the Chairperson shall have a second or casting vote.
d) Minutes shall be kept as a record of the proceedings of the meeting of the Committee and any of its sub-committees.
e) The Executive Committee may appoint one or more sub-committees providing that all acts and proceedings of the sub-committees shall be fully and promptly reported to the Executive Committee and may in addition co-opt up to 2 further people who are full members of the Association.


a) There shall be an annual general meeting, which shall be held as soon, as practicable after the end of the Association's financial year. Members shall be given at least 14 days notice.
b) The Executive Committee shall present the report and accounts of the Association for the preceding year.
c) Nominations for election to the Executive Committee must be made by members of the Association in writing before the commencement of the meeting.
d) The quorum at the general meeting shall be 4 members, or one quarter of the members, whichever is the greater.


The Executive Committee may at any time call a general or a special general meeting of the Association stating the business to be discussed. A special meeting may also be called by the Secretary if a written request is received from at least 10 members. At least 14 days notice shall be given for special general meetings.


a) All monies raised by or on behalf of the Association shall be applied to further the objects of the Association and for no other purpose.
b) The funds of the Association including all donations, contributions and bequests shall be paid into an account operated by the Executive Committee shall from time to time decide.
c) All cheques drawn on the account must be signed by two Officers and must be approved by the Executive Committee.
d) The Executive Committee shall comply with the obligations for trustees under the Charities Act 2006 (or any statutory re-enactment of modification of the Act) with regard to:
i. The keeping of accounting records
ii. The preparation of annual statements of account
iii. The auditing or independent examination of the statements of account.


Any amendment to the constitution shall require the approval of a two-thirds majority of those present and voting at the General Meeting at which it is discussed. Any resolution for the amendment of the constitution must be received by the Secretary at least 21 days before the meeting at which the resolution is to be brought forward.


a) The Association may be dissolved at a Special General Meeting called for that purpose and must be advertised 14 days before the meeting.
b) Such proposals to dissolve the Association shall take effect only if agreed by a two-thirds majority of members present and voting at the meeting.
c) Surplus funds of the Association, if it is dissolved, shall be given or transferred to such other charitable institution or organisation having similar objects as the members of the Association may determine or failing that shall be applied for some other charitable purpose.


Until the first annual general meeting takes place this constitution shall take effect as if references in it to the Executive Committee were references to the persons whose signatures appear at the bottom of this document. The constitution was adopted on the date mentioned above by the persons whose signatures appear below:

Chair: Jan Edwards; Secretary: Mel Baines; Treasurer: Darren Buttery; Committee Members: Gwyn Booth, Jeanette Williamson and Peter Coleborn.

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